Sunday, July 24, 2016

West Lime Creek

For our third day of hiking, we planned to do a high elevation hike outside of Silverton.  Unfortunately, we woke up to rain, so we had to improvise.  We drove up and over the Million Dollar Highwaay with staggering views of Red Mountain and dizzying drop offs to the Uncompaghre river gorge.  We tried three different trailheads until we found one at lower altitude where it wasn't raining.  We had a gorgeous hike in the sunshine for most of the way.  The rain and hail didn't hit us until the last mile on our way back.  Another good day to test out our rain gear.  And to test our nerves with the howling and crackling Colorado thunder.

Trailhead Elevation:  9,857 feet
Highest Elevation:  10,652 feet
Total Elevation Gain:  1,115 feet
Total Distance:  6.42 miles
Total Time:  3 hours

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