Tuesday, September 13, 2016


I hate getting shots (almost as much as giving blood), but it has to be done if you plan to travel. Luckily, we had a number of shots already taken care of from our 2011 trip to Tanzania.  There were still a few we needed.  In addition to the typhoid tablets (I still need to take), here is a list of the shots I got for Nepal at the Salt Lake County Travel Clinic:

9/13/16   Hepatitis A (Twinrix combined with Hep B) - painful!
9/13/16   Hepatitis B (Twinrix combined with Hep A)
9/13/16   Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (every 5 years)
9/13/16   Influenza (every year)
9/17/16   Typhoid (tablets)

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