Sunday, October 9, 2016

Grandaddy Lake

For our big hike of the weekend we did Grandaddy Lake.  This is on the other side of the Uintas from the Mirror Lake Highway hikes we usually do.  The trailhead for Grandaddy is up near Hanna and requires a pretty steep six mile drive up a dirt road.  We sucked up our fear of drop offs and made it to the trailhead.  There were only two other cars at the trailhead.  I think this high country hike is about done for the season, but we were glad to get out one more time for some elevation training.

Trailhead Elevation:  9,656 feet
Highest Elevation:  10,624 feet
Total Elevation Gain:  1,444 feet
Total Distance:  8.67 miles
Total Time:  5 hours

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